Saturday 23 December 2006

If A Tree Falls In The Forest and No One Hears It...

This falls under the confusing but relevant conundrum of: if the purpose of a Blog is to share your ideas with the world, but no one reads them, what was the purpose of the Blog for in the first place. Do we really need more wisdom from an Inquiring Green Personality type who spends far too much time in front of the computer and not enough time working out?
Well, another thought is, whether this Blog ever reached human eyes is irrelevant. It has reached the great void known as the internet where ideas bounce around forever. So, perhaps in some small way, this is an attempt at immortality. Long live the immortals.

Wednesday 22 November 2006

There are so many blogs out there, I think it's a tad arrogant for me to assume that anyone would want to read my opinions about anything. But, that being said, I'd like to say that in the past few months, I have mets some amazing and truly kind people in the entertainment industry. I was completely surprised that those sorts of people exist in what I thought was a dog eat dog industry. So, with my mouth hanging open with complete shock and awe, I got to know Kelly J Campeau, a writer/publicist in television, and Cliff Simon, an actor from South Africa, who I now consider my dearest friends. They have both inspired me to work hard to achieve my goal of becoming a professional writer. Two years ago I never would have thought it possible to write professionally. But they have both shown me that you can reach for your dreams.

So, if you want something in life, go for it. It's better to have tried and failed then never to have tried at all.